Sunday, April 28, 2013

A challenge afoot

Though I never had the chance to write about it, I took an 8 week photo class back in January.  Since that ended I've had a bad case of "lazy photographer."  I just don't take pictures like I used to and it makes me sad.  I've done the photo challenges before but I just end up doing most or all of it on my phone, (which is fine, we can still be creative with our phones) but I need experience with my DSLR.  So thanks to faithful pinterest, I found a photo challenge to make myself take more pictures! 

The website wasn't anything special but I just really liked these prompts.  These are things that will expand my mind and make me think outside the box-think creatively.  So I'm setting my own rules for it and going for it!

I'm going to give myself two weeks for each prompt-I can take as many photos as I want in that two weeks
I'm going to do it in order so I don't skip the hard ones and never get back to them 
I'm going to take them all on my DSLR
I'm going to be sharing them on here and as well as what I'm learning through this challenge

So let the games, commence!    Sunday, April 28th is my start date! 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

10 things you should know about me

I'm a terrible blogger, I know!  In January my computer hard drive died and I somehow survived without my faithful booger for a few weeks.  After it was fixed, I just never picked up the blogging thing again.  Makes me sad :(  I really wish I could keep it up because I love it!  And I love sharing the things I'm learning and growing in.  Soooo one of my favorite bloggers did a list of 10 things you should know about me today, so I'm gonna be a copycat and do the same as well as share some Instagram happiness!  

1.  I love blogging and secretly (Not so secretly) dream of doing it hard core every day, someday.  

2.  When I was young and stuck-up, I said I would never shop in thrift stores, but now that I'm old and poor, I work at a thrift store and absolutely love digging through people's junk and finding hidden treasures!  

3.  I don't know what I'm going to do if I my kids turn out not cute....

4.  The 8 key on my computer is broken so I have to punch it like 6 times before it works

5.  I. Love.  Pictures.  And I'm not just talking about taking pictures, printed pictures in my hand are my new obsession....more on that later.  

6.  I love old things.  Vintage, antique, classic things get me all excited and giddy.  

7.  Someday I wanna life in Tennessee and Colorado.   

....that key that doesn't work.  I need more reasons to take pictures so tell me to take yours!  

9.  Nothing is more peaceful to me then a spring/summer rain storm.  

10.  I love coffee....but I think I actually just love the sugar in coffee and the fact that it's so classy.  

 Oh yes....and 11.....I love good hair days and wish I could always feel this excited and happy about my hair!