1. I love blogging and secretly (Not so secretly) dream of doing it hard core every day, someday.

3. I don't know what I'm going to do if I my kids turn out not cute....
4. The 8 key on my computer is broken so I have to punch it like 6 times before it works
5. I. Love. Pictures. And I'm not just talking about taking pictures, printed pictures in my hand are my new obsession....more on that later.
6. I love old things. Vintage, antique, classic things get me all excited and giddy.
7. Someday I wanna life in Tennessee and Colorado.
....that key that doesn't work. I need more reasons to take pictures so tell me to take yours!
9. Nothing is more peaceful to me then a spring/summer rain storm.
10. I love coffee....but I think I actually just love the sugar in coffee and the fact that it's so classy.
Oh yes....and 11.....I love good hair days and wish I could always feel this excited and happy about my hair!
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