Friday, September 28, 2012

The Photos

I started a new blog for a few reasons:

1.  I wanted to start fresh, try again to be dedicated to writing. 
2.  I wanted to create a place to post Photos since I'm not a huge fan of Facebook.  I don't want to be focused on people comments about my pictures, I want a place I can go back and see where I've grown and how far I've come. 
3.  I want a place to remember the mistakes and bad pictures I took so I'll never do those again.  Right now, trying to learn how to use my DSLR, I find trying something, and if I don't like it, change it.  And I want to know what I did to change it to make it better...or worse. 

So this will primarily be a photo blog but I'll try and write from time to time too :) 
I have wanted a dslr for a few years now.  I just always thought it would be fun to take pictures.  It's art to me.  I can't draw, I tried some crafty things and they didn't come out so lovely, so I'll try Photos!  I was inspired by a mom in Oklahoma who writes a blog about her everyday life as a mom.  She takes pictures of her kids and things they do.  I loved that she was able to capture them in just the regular, everyday life.  I love that, and I wanted to be able to do that someday.  So why not learn now?!  I had saved up some money and decided since best buy was having a sale, it was a good time to get it.  So I got myself a Nikon d3100 and I love it! I am obsessed.  I have watched tons of youtube videos trying to learn as much as I can. 

I took about two pictures on auto mode, and decided I wasn't going to take pictures until I learned how to shoot manually.  So I did and it's the only way to go!  I will almost never, shoot on auto again.  I love controlling how my pictures look and mixing all the things together to make something beautiful!  

These were the first two pictures I took.  These are on semi automatic, the aperture setting.  I was trying to get the blurry background look, but since then I have learned better how to do that.  It is not quite focused, but the shutter speed was really slow and I was trying to hold it.  I just love the color of the walls/floor and how they contrast the bottle :)

                                          1 sec, f/3.5, ISO 100 - Both

A few day after that I was working a football game running a small parking lot and it was a slow day.  So I took full advantage of my free time and read my owners manual front to back, watched some youtube videos, and played around with it.

As you can see, I didn't really know what I was doing.  This whole time I was shooting on f/3.5 with an ISO of 100.  The only thing I was changing was the shutter speed.  I was mostly just playing with angles.  The stop sign looks good when I take the light pole out of it.  The chair looks better without signs behind it.   I was trying to get the blurry background but didn't really understand how then. 

 Next, I worked on shooting the stop sign from the ground, but the sky made it too bright.  At this point my ISO was on 200, so for the darker ones I turned it down to 100.  Changed my angle, my shutter speed and got a cool view of the clouds.  

      These two I tried focusing on different things- part of the truck and the chair.  I like them both :) 
                                I just love my truck...I can't help taking tons of pictures of it!

 I was trying to get a cool picture of the
emergency phone, trying some different angles and settings.  They turned out ok. 

On the left, I wanted a picture of the puddle, but didn't get the focus right.  On the right, is the sun peaking through the clouds. 

                                            And classic self portrait of course :)

Then, I watched a wonderful video about aperture :)  And I discovered that zooming in, helps with that lovely bokeh look :)  Like this!

                                                1/60, f/5.6, ISO 200, 55mm
                                                          Instead of this :p

                These are for sure some of my favorite pictures so far!  I'm very proud of them :) 

Then, I tried changing my white balance setting for cloudy.  It gave my car the rich tan color which is how it actually looks.  Again, I don't have children, I have a car that I love lots and treat like my child :)  So I love these pictures!

                                                                                   1/13, f/5.6, ISO 100, 55mm

 Not quite focused, but I like it!

                                                                           This is a personal favorite :)

 This is what it looked like with the while balanced set on auto.  I like it much better with the cloudy setting on!

That was my day :)  I learned a lot and took tons of pictures and had lots of fun too!  Anyone with advice or comments, I am open to any help I can get!

Oh and sorry this post isn't very centered.  I'm still working on the best way to post pictures on here :) 

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